What Vitamins are Best for Beautiful Skin?

The definition of a vitamin is: an organic compound that is essential for normal growth and nutrition. Given that our skin is the largest organ of our body, we should all be attentive to its care. Here, BAWDY has listed the top vitamins we can use, topically and internally, for the healthiest skin from scalp to toosh.
Vitamin A
Do you think they named this vitamin after its superpower as an antioxidant? Derivatives of this vitamin, when applied to the skin, are super-efficient at treating wrinkles. You’re probably familiar with the terms retinoid or retinol in your skin care products; these are those derivatives. If you’re looking to boost your ingestible vitamin A, which aids in vision function and protects against lung cancer, fill up on sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, beef, and eggs.
Vitamins B3 & B5
The B’s are bad...bad as-in good! Let’s start with B3; otherwise known as niacin. Essential for healthy skin care by reducing the risk of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, it’s also essential in a well-functioning nervous system, brain, and blood cells. A number of skin care products contain a derivative of vitamin B3 by the name of niacinamide. However, you can get B3 naturally through leafy greens, meat, fish, poultry, beans, as well as coffee and some teas.
When it comes to B3, hello hydration! B3 not only prevents skin water loss but it also improves the barrier function your skin performs on a daily basis. This is the function that keeps water in and bad things, like UV, out. Topical products contain B5 so look for this on the label, but you can also get this vitamin naturally through chicken, avocado, and whole grains.
Vitamin C
We’ve talked about Vitamin C before. And, when it comes to skin care, collagen is essential. Collagen plays a vital role in providing structural support to connective tissue all over the body. It’s this structure that keeps our skin looking plump and young, while also providing elasticity. Vitamin C doesn’t stop there, it’s also an antioxidant that protects against free radicals that damage cells and cause premature aging. As if that wasn’t enough, this multitasking vitamin is also an immune booster for better overall health. You can apply it topically as well as chow down on it through treats like citrus fruits, leafy greens, strawberries, tomatoes, and bell peppers.
Vitamin D
Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D doesn’t actually come from the sun, but the sun does help us synthesize it. And, unless you’re lucky enough to live in an area that’s constantly soaked in sun, you might need to really pay attention to how to get an adequate amount of this acne and infection-fighting vitamin. Some yummy sources of this vitamin include fish, mushrooms, and eggs. You can also stock up on it through fortified sources like milk, juice, and cereal.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E works well independently and in groups. What we mean by that is, alone, it’s another great antioxidant that protects against free radicals. It’s also helpful in reducing acne and acne scarring. It also works well with another antioxidant-packed vitamin - vitamin A. Ensuring you get plenty of vitamin E will help keep the vitamin A stores in your body up. Basically, vitamin E is a portable charger for your vitamin A cell phone. Vitamin E can be applied topically and absorbed well into the skin as it’s fat-soluble. However, you should get it through good nutrition for preventative measures. You can do this through fruits and veggies, nuts, and seeds.
Vitamin K
Got dark circles or stretch marks? Who doesn’t? Vitamin K can help with that as well as spider veins or just about any other condition that would cause your skin to appear dark due to circulatory issues. When blood is allowed to flow more freely than we might want it to, it can cause discoloration. Vitamin K helps to coagulate your blood, or keep it from being a bit too “extra” in unwanted areas. Additionally, it helps with stretch marks and other scars when applied topically. Vitamin K1 is the topical version, while natural sources for coagulation include kale, cabbage, and milk.
A lot of annoying skin conditions come with side effects that include inflammation and redness. Thankfully, omega-3 helps to combat those. Additionally, individuals who are deficient in this are more likely to have rough, scaly skin and dermatitis. Fish, seaweed, hemp, chia, and flax seeds, as well as walnuts, are great natural sources of this nutrient.
Widely used in the fight against acne, zinc can help with controlling infection and reducing inflammation. Many products, particularly those targeted at curbing acne, contain zinc. But, you can acquire the vitamin via natural sources like meat, shellfish, beans, nuts, and eggs.
We’ve covered the most important vitamins from A to Zinc. Now, get out there and make good choices for a booty-ful, healthy body.