Can CBD products help you get rid of acne?

Acne can be a total headache to deal with, and it can often feel like no matter which skincare combinations you try, your skin just won’t clear. An essential part of getting your acne back under control is understanding just what causes it and what your own personal triggers are. For many people, the root cause of their breakouts is inflammation. This is where CBD comes in: the ingredient has been found to act as a potent anti-inflammatory, which can help reduce swelling, redness, and generally give your skin a chance to recover.

If you’re struggling with acne and want to find out more about CBD, then we might just have the answers you’ve been searching for. From precisely which acne-related symptoms CBD can treat, to how to incorporate into your routine, we’ve got you covered. 

What CBD is best for acne?

There are tons of CBD-based skincare products on the market now, so picking the right ones can get tricky. There are, however, some cornerstones you need to look out for when you’re buying CBD skincare:

  1. Is it organic? Acne-prone skin is generally very sensitive. Steering clear of harsh chemicals at every step of production is essential to prevent a product from causing more inflammation – which is the exact opposite of what you’re hoping to achieve.
  2. Where is the CBD from? Not all countries have regulations that guarantee the safety and potency of CBD. When you’re buying skincare, look for USDA-certified products.
  3. How potent is the product? Check your labels, and make sure there’s a goodly amount of CBD in the product. You’ll be looking for at least 200mg of CBD per 1oz of product.

Can CBD help cystic acne?

Dermatologist Dr. Deanne Mraz Robinson, MD of Modern Dermatology in Connecticut, told The Zoe Report, “Treating both inflammation and oil production, CBD targets the two biggest culprits in cases of active acne. Additionally, CBD packs vitamins A, D, and E, and essential fatty acids, which all promote healthy skin. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition, so soothing products that lower inflammation will improve outbreaks.”  

While CBD can help address the inflammation that results from cystic acne, the root cause of the problem is often bacteria or a build-up of dead skin cells. It’s important that you incorporate gentle cleansing in your skincare routine, as well as CBD-based products to soothe your skin.

How long does it take for CBD to work on acne?

CBD is a quick-working ingredient, but it will still take some time for your skin to show visible signs of improvement. If your skin is uncomfortable because of your acne, you may find that you feel relief as soon as half an hour after you apply the product. Because CBD works by reducing inflammation, it can take some time to see results when it comes to redness, swelling, and breakouts. Suppose you’re introducing CBD into your skincare routine when your skin is already going through a breakout and is extra sensitive. In that case, it can be worthwhile starting gently using it once a week or so, and then building up to using it once a day when you know your skin deals with it well.

Can you put CBD oil on your face?

In short, yes! You can apply CBD to your face as part of your regular skincare routine or as an overnight face mask. It’s really up to you how you choose to use CBD. It mostly comes down to the texture you prefer, and your skin tolerates best. You will often find that you’ll try a few different products to see what works best for your skin. 

As well as using CBD oil on your face, you can also use it on the rest of your body. If you struggle with acne on your back, your chest, or anywhere else on your body, you can apply CBD to those areas too. 

Can CBD make acne worse?

Potentially, CBD may not be the best product for your skin, and unfortunately, it’s something you’ll only find out by trying. CBD that comes in an oil form may clog your pores if this is something you already struggle with, in which case you may do better exploring alternative options. If you’re working on your acne with a dermatologist, have a chat with them about how you could best incorporate CBD into your skincare regimen. They will be able to advise you as to whether CBD is a good idea for your specific situation, and if so, what the best way is for you to apply it.

The bottom line

CBD can be a helpful tool in fighting the inflammation and discomfort caused by acne. While neat CBD oil may not be the best solution if you have acne-prone skin, many lotions and balms on the market contain high-quality CBD in high enough levels to help alleviate your acne symptoms and reduce redness. If you want to add it to your skincare routine, start by using it a little, say once a week, before building up to using it daily if your skin tolerates it well. The anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD can reduce redness and give your skin the relief it needs to have a chance to heal.