A Quick Bite with Marta Milans

BAWDY Beauty – A quick bite with Marta MilansImage Credit: Playboy

In the show biz, she’s often referred to as the Spanish Angelina Jolie – to close friends she’s known to be a loyal and strong woman who never ever gives up.

When it comes to acting, she’s a true chameleon – constantly adapting to new roles from, ‘Shazam!’ to the number one Netflix hit, ‘White Lines’. Beautiful, smart and determined, meet Marta!



What is your favorite “bite”?

Strawberries from Harry’s Berries

How did you “shake” the industry? 

By never giving up on my dream.

What is the first adjective you think of when you think of your butt?

Round and cute!

What does unapologetic mean to you? 

Not caring what others think or judge and going full throttle for your dream! 


 Follow @martamilans